Saturday, June 27, 2009

Three eclipses in a month

The world will witness a rare astronomical event- a series of triple eclipses starting July 2009. The fist in the series of triple eclipses will be a lunar eclipse on July 7 which will be followed by a solar eclipse on July 22 and then a lunar eclipse on August 6.

What does this celestial phenomenon mean to the world and does this astronomical event portend anything for us. D K Hari and his wife Hema Hari discuss the above mentioned issues in their new book, Will History Repeat Itself? Triple Eclipse of July 2009. Omnious or Promising? the book has been published as part of the Bharath Gyan series by the Sri Sri publications.

What is strange is that if one looks back at the events that have unfolded in the past, triple eclipses have always been followed by destruction. Hari told that the first of the triple eclipses was recorded way back in 3067 BCE (Before Common Era). Following this triple eclipse there was the Kurukshethra war which was fought between the Pandavas and Kauravas in which 47 lakh people took part. The sequence of the first triple eclipse was as follows- Lunar eclipse on 29 September 3067, Solar eclipse on 14 October 3067 and Lunar eclipse on 28 October 3067 BCE.


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